This blog is way overdue! I shot this session over a month ago! I’ve known Felicia and Mike for almost a year now! I actually shot their rehearsal dinner last May at Ocean View Villas. They love going out to the desert and riding around in Mike’s jeep so we figured that was the perfect location for their Trash the Dress!
They took me out to Plaster City in Ocotillo and we had a blast!
Nicholas had to jump in a few photos, of course!
It was pitch black and we were driving home. I asked Mike to pull off on a deserted road and they probably thought I was crazy! But I got an idea in my head and wanted to try it out…below is the result and Mike’s favorite image of the day! (I think its’ my favorite too!)
Felicia, Mike and Nicholas, thanks for sharing your Saturday with me, I had a blast!
xoxo, M
Wow, these pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Looks like you guys had the perfect day there for pictures…
Wow Mel! You’re getting pretty good at this photography stuff. Maybe you should do it full time. :0)
Great work once again! I really love the lines on the 5th one.
Oh wow! I’ve never seen anything like that last shot! How perfect for a TTD. I love the ideas that you come up with Mel!! You creative genius you 🙂
Beautiful pictures! I love how this TD session turned out. Felicia is gorgeous as always 🙂
Nicholas is such a cute little mini-me in his matching outfit. I love the pictures with him in it! You are brilliant!
Gorgeous session. I love the location. You are just amazing girl!
OMG! Beautiful! Just beautiful! Can’t wait for our portrait shoot!;)
Ocotillo is so awesome for TTD sessions! The truck lights one is awesome!
Great pics! I love the 2nd one.
These are great! And I LOVE the last shot! I’ve always wanted to try to use car headlights!! :D:D
Melissa – great job!
That last shot is killer, I am also groovin’ on the landscape shot 6th from the top. Nice TTD!