A gorgeous Oregon Family

I feel like such a blog slacker!  Life has taken a turn for the busy lately…I have a lot to blog about though!

When I was in Portland I met up with an old friend, Gena and her lovely family!  This was my first time meeting her hubby, Chris and their newest addition, Samantha!  

We met a small park in Tigard.  These guys are troopers, it was over 100 degrees that day!  Unheard of in the area!

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Sweethearts.  Carson (almost 2), Addison (8.5) and Samantha (2 months!)

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The beautiful couple!

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How adorable are they???

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Thanks for letting me capture your family, Gena and Chris!  You were awesome subjects, can’t wait to photograph the kiddos in the future!

xoxo, M