Adeline Turns 1!

It’s been almost exactly 10 months since I saw little baby Adeline last.  You can see her last photo shoot here.   

She belongs to my first college roommate Nikki and her hubby Matt!  The day after the wedding, I met up with this adorable family at the Peoria (Illinois) Riverfront for some camera time!  Addy just turned 1 about a week ago! 


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Why hello there! 
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I call this Addy’s paparazzi shot! 
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I really love this photo on the left because it looks just like a photo my parents took of me when I was this age!  
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Here is something I haven’t done before……he said, she said!  
The first photo was taken by me, the 2nd photo was taken by Tim at the same time! 
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In front of the dirty Peoria river! 
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She was not quite walking at the time of this shoot…but you can see she is stong enough to!    Very soon!
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Nikki –  I love seeing Addy growing in person. So glad we stayed in touch after all these years!