Amy and Kenny are married!


Amy and Kenny were married at the beautiful Wiens Winery in Temecula, CA.  Remember that heat wave California was having a few weeks back?  Well, Temecula wasn’t spared.  It was 109 degrees that Friday!    

You may recognize the adorable couple from their engagement session a few months back.  Amy is the sister in law of my good photographer friend Brittney Pecore.  Despite the heat, the bride and groom were in great spirits and the day went off without a (major) hitch!

To beat the heat, we did most of the photos inside the barrel room!  


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Kenny’s hat was so cool! 
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The kiss!
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The handsome guys 
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Loving the light in the vines! 
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You know i love a great candy bar! This was the best stocked one I have seen! 
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My favorite…diamonds and jelly bellys! 
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I think Amy and her sister Erin look so much alike!   
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The happy couple danced the night away! 
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 Amy and Kenny,


Thank you for trusting me to capture your special day!   Enjoy your slideshow!




Shout out to my 2nd and 3rd shooters, Michele Terry and Jasmine Marie

xoxo, M