Big news people! I have a new website! This has been long time coming. Shout out to my mother and my good friend Kim for creating my former one! My made the whole thing and Kim coded the flash. But all good things come to an end!
Please visit the new site and give me some feedback! What do you think of my new colors?
And now, a contest! I am getting close to my 1,000th blog comment! We are on the home stretch here…under 50 comments left to reach 1k! If you are my lucky #1,000 you will win a $10 Itunes gift card!
The comment doesn’t have to be on this particular blog, scroll down for some of my latest work!
awesome! i like it.
yayayay!!! It looks so good!!
congrats Mel!
Woot for the new blog!!! 😀 We might be *TOP SECRET* our *TOP SECRET* soon! 🙂
Sorry. Woot for the new website. Brain is fried. 😀
OMG the new website melissa looks amazing….i willl need help w/mine, think about how much you would charge my company, yours is PERFECT.
how fun!! I love it!!
great job melissa!!
Hoep you are doing great my friend!
I went to this place called charry on top the other evening and thought of you! 🙂
talk to you soon!! 🙂
LOOOOOOOOVE it!! love it! looooove it! hey! did i tell you we loved it?
Thanks for the shout out. I think this website looks super and I didn’t even have to do anything.
PS If I am 1000, give my gift card to 1001. Love you!! mom
LOVE it!!! WOo hoo on a new website. I am still working on mine!
Well, if I win it goes to Paul…..Love your work!!
i love the website its great. i am working on mine.
Looks great! Way to go!
ok, who won the prize 🙂