Central Mexico – January 2010

In January, I took a 10 day vacation to visit my parent’s home in San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico.  The point of the trip was to spend time with my family, so I didn’t pull my camera out much.  But I did make an effort to shoot a little every day.  I will spare you the photo of the scorpion that stung me though!

Below, my breakfast at a cafe one morning! Yum!

This wall is on my parent’s street.  We were walking in to town and I stopped to photograph it!  My mom claims she has lived in the house for four years and never noticed the rad wall!

I was on vacation, so each meal was accompanied by a margarita!

One of the days we went to a bull fight.  To be honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself in to.  We ended up leaving 20 minutes in to the “fight”  I posted two photos below this one, but they are a little graphic, just to warn you.  Not as graphic as some other shots I took, but it was really hard to shoot through all my tears!

These guys were supposed to taunt the bull, but the bull fought back and speared one of them!  They just pulled the guy off at this point!

Since we left the bull fight early, we got to see this bride and groom walk out of the church after getting married!  There was no professional photographer in sight!

My last full day in Mexico, we drove to the city of Guanajuato since I had never been there.  You take this Funicular to the top of the hill and this is the view you get!

Isn’t this light amazing? I couldn’t pass it up!  And my parents are pretty adorable (married 40 years in August!)

This is back in San Miguel, a view of the Parroquia on the way in to town

And a close up of the same taken from the Jardin!

This was my second time down there, can’t wait to go again!  Next up…learn more Spanish!

xoxo, M