Erica and Ree are married!

On June 28th, I got the pleasure of assisting Kristi Klemens again. She and I always have a blast together!  I drove up to Santa Ana to shoot the wedding of Erica and Ree at Bower’s Museum. Oh my, I adore this location!  It is gorgeous and so easy to photograph! 

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Here is Ree’s reaction to seeing his bride.  They opted for a First Look before the ceremony so they could spend extra time on photos!

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How cool are the sculpture’s at the museum??

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This staircase rocks too!

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This was shot while holding my camera above my head.  This statue was about 8 feet tall!  Even on tippy-toes I couldn’t have peeked through it!

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We weren’t allowed to shoot inside the museum.

It’s easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission!

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The handsome Ree

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Loved these program fans!

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There was a balcony above the ceremony site, so I ran up them very quick to capture the processional!

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We’re married!

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Woo Hoo!

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This was a unique way to have place cards!

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Fabulous cake!

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Here are two angles of the toast…I couldn’t decide 🙂

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David, this is it.  

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Dance fever!

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Enjoy the Honeymoon!

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