Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s been awhile since I posted anything too personal, so I’ll take the Holiday to acknowledge what my life consists of!

There are so many things I am thankful for! Here is just a snippet!

-My uber-supportive parents whom I don’t see often enough (mostly because of their wanderlust)
-My extended family that lives close and I know I can lean on if needed
-The amazing friends that I have in my life and would probably go crazy without (shout out to my Betas!)
-My health, even if it hasn’t been great the last few weeks, overall I am normally really healthy!
-Awesome, trusting and loving clients that push me to be a better photographer every single day
-My Cerimone girls, Brenda and Cathy for being inspiring and creative and always believing in me
So Cal for allowing me to work in my industry year round
Margaritas and FroYo (Hey! It’s how I relax!)
-My iPhone – 3 way tied for the best purchase I made all year (along with my 50mm 1.2 lens and my Nissan Altima)
Not sure how I ever lived without that phone!

My family 🙂

We are headed to my in-laws house today for a Thanksgiving feast.  Tim nominated us (read: me) to make green bean casserole.  I was not born to be in the kitchen like Mandi was, but I think it looks great for my first attempt ever!  Maybe next year they will trust me with something a little more difficult – like potatoes! haha


Gobble Gobble! Enjoy this day, and every day, with your friends and family!

Happy Thanksgiving to my US readers!

xo, M