Jenn + Jon

Jon and Jenn were married in September at the lovely Handlery Hotel in Mission Valley.

It was a daytime wedding, and after the reception everyone was invited back to their parents house for the after party! What a great idea for a day wedding!

Jenn has quite a few sisters that have all done the wedding thing already…
A family hankercheif, beaded bracelet from a neice and a medical tag (Jenn is a nurse!)

How cute were these flower girls?
And of course, the handsome ringbearer shouldn’t be left out!
(Photo by Jen Harris)
The beautiful bride:
The handsome groom:

Their family is very close, and very emotional!

Killing some time in the stairwell
Speech time:
Jon picked the cake out, Jenn never even saw it before today!

Father/Daughter Dance. I told you it was emotional!

This is probably one of my favorite shots of 2007: