Las Vegas Trash the Dress – Charise and Mandi

When I went to WPPI in 2009 I didn’t get a chance to shoot at all!  So I knew when I went in 2010, I had to make that happen! I helped organize a group trash the dress for my friends and even got some tag-alongs along the way!  And Mandi and Charise decided to don their wedding dresses and play model in front of the camera instead of behind for once!

We had fun traipsing around the Strip of Las Vegas, with lots of onlookers and catcallers and even Spiderman!

This is what a group trash the dress looks like!

You tend to get a lot of arms in your way… 😉

These were my Vegas roomies!  Such a fun group of girls!

Couldn’t resist a photo of us!  New About Us photo maybe? 🙂

Cannot wait to see what WPPI 2011 has in store!

xo, M