Melissa and Jason are married!

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to second shoot for the fabulous Tracy Kumono!  I drove up to Long Beach for the wedding of Jason and Melissa. 

The groomsmen were a crack up!  They had spent the Bachelor party in Mexico and all came back with these masks.  I was shocked they didn’t make an appearance at the Reception!

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Don’t worry, the groom had finished that Tequila way before the morning of the wedding!

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There ceremony took place at a golf course.

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I loved this wall of pink flowers!

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So cute together!

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Fun name cards

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And their yummy cake!

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Their first dance was so adorable!

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This was one of the highlights of the evening.  This groomsman made up an entire song about their relationship, it rhymed and everything!  The best man played along on his guitar!  The whole room was in tears from laughing.

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Jason getting jiggy with the bridesmaids!

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Thanks Tracy for having me along!  Best of luck to the happy couple!

xoxo, M