MIA and a winner!

I’ve been a little busy lately…I’ve actually been hiding out in Portland Oregon for the last week!

(Image from Google.com images, it was not taken by me!)

I attended the amazing One Light Workshop by Zack Arias. I hung out with the folks in Beaverton. I had a few family shoots before and during my visit. I showed Tim the Pacific Northwest for his first time. I melted in the 100 degree weather (ummm hello? Where is the rain?) It’s been a successful trip but tomorrow I actually head back to So Cal for an event on Saturday and wedding on Sunday!

I come up for air on Monday. Oh and I plan to get back to my blogging schedule then!

Thanks for your patience. I love all the comments and emails I have been getting lately. I’m truly blessed with amazing clients, friends and family!

Big congrats to my photo buddy and sometimes assistant Brittney Pecore for being my 1,000th commenter on this blog!!! Check your inbox soon for your Itunes gift certificate!!!

xoxo, M