One Light Workshop – Portland

In between watching the Olympics at my parents house and picking end-of-season raspberries I had a day to sneak off and attend an awesome workshop hosted by the Lighting Master Zack Arias. Zack travels to cities across the US (with future plans to go Internationally) to teach willing photographers about off camera lighting set ups.

I highly recommend this workshop to anyone at any photography level. And if you aren’t able to attend the one day Intensive, don’t miss the opportunity to buy his new DVD which will be going on sale again this week!

This will be a long post full of tons of photos because I met some really awesome photographers at this workshop!  We had an amazing 14 hour day bonding over bare bulbs and “quiet” images.

Some of the images below I cannot take full credit for.  Zack set up his lights, showed us what he would do and then let us run wild with it.  While I shot the image, the angle and lighting were not originally mine!  I will note above the photo if it started as Zack’s creation!

Here is the Master himself, while Shannon patiently models!

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Our gracious host, Boone using his pocket wizards on our model Parrish.    

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These two lovely ladies in front are Jessica and Jessica!  

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Here is a sneak peek at one of Zack’s set ups.  He really showed us no matter what location we were in, you can get a killer shot with a little magic lighting!

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Another of Zack’s set ups – Parrish again!

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Most everyone 🙂  (Zack on the ground)

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My new pal, Tera Pettit!  She’s a Nikon girl, but I still love her.

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The man, the myth, the…Zack.

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Tyler doing his thang! 

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Good job Boone…hold up that light stand!  🙂

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Zack was setting this up, I couldn’t resist getting one shot off with the umbrella!  See how much it lights up!  We were nearing dark at this point.

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Zacks set up, my angle!

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Parrish took a break and Tyler jumped in!  Doesn’t he look gangsta?  🙂 

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A few more of our awesome models!

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Boone and William (who also came up from So Cal for the workshop) checking out their shots!

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After it got totally dark, we headed inside and broke up in to groups to play with lighting on our own!  My group really tried to think outside of the box…here is my buddy Mitch modeling.  We were on a 2nd floor with slatted floors.  The light was on level one and I was shooting in to it.

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And Shannon showing off her best karate kid moves.  Lighting set up off the back right.

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Alright, that was a ton of links and images!  I feel accomplished for a Monday!  

I had a great time networking with some awesome Portland (and beyond) photographers!

Thanks Zack for sharing your secrets with us!  And congrats to you and your talented new wife!

xoxo, M