Oregon Trip wrap up!

I posted one blog about my trip to Oregon last week but I wanted to post a few more photos since my extended family showed up later in the week!

My family spent a week on the Oregon coast in a town called Gearhart.  My dad grew up here and we rented the home the grew up in!  They found a few remnants of the old house like some hidden wallpaper and even my dads yearbook (complete with signatures to him back in 1961)!

My dads favorite hobby is clamming.  You get up 2 hours before the low tide of the morning and search for air holes made by the razor clams!  I woke up early enough one day to capture some photos.  Of course that was the day that they only caught 2 clams!  The limit is 15 per person with a permit.

My little 2nd cousin Rohan had his own clam gun!


and my dad searching…


A shot of the whole family!  It is called the Wood house because that is the name of the current owners.  My grandparents owned the house from 1945 to 1973.


One of the reasons for the reunion was to spread my grandmother’s ashes in the area.  On Saturday we all headed to the beach to do just that!


The family hanging out after the ashes were spread.  My aunt is the small figure on the hill, she couldn’t walk all the way down to the beach


Dinner!  These are the clams my dad caught!


We had two birthdays that weekend!  Uncle Dave and my little 2 cousin Ian


This is mostly what the weekend consisted of: eating, drinking and lots of talking!


and my parents <3  


It was great to spend time with my family, I don’t see them enough!

xoxo, M