It’s such an honor when another photographer asks you to take their photos! But then, it becomes so nerve-wracking, wondering if they will love them and if they will pick apart your exposure, angle, etc. But Sylvia is great, always complimentary and sweet.
She a local family and children portrait photographer in town, check out her site! Her family is great too! She really is Superwoman in this family of mostly men!
My personal fav from the day!
It was such a pleasure shooting you and your family, Sylvia! Thank you for trusting me!
xoxo, M
Aww.. Yay for Sylvia’s family pics. 🙂
Silva has such an adorable family ….great pics Melissa!!!!!
good looking family Sylvia and great pics Melissa!
you did a beautiful job for a beautiful family, Melissa!
The image of the two boys holding hands is one that I would have enlarged to a huge size and on the wall at home, if I were their parents. Great job, Melissa!
These are great Melissa! I love the second to last one. Sylvia’s kids are so adorable!!
YAY! The Borgo’s! 🙂
My fave is the second to last 🙂 Adorable!
Melissa! A million thanks for these wonderful moments you captured! The images are beautiful! I love them all! Hugs!
yah! these are bombastic!
I just love the photos! Outstanding job Melissa!
Sylvia, you and your family are adorable!!! Great shots Melissa!
Beautiful images, like always! You rock, Melissa 🙂
Awesome, Sylvia’s kids are so cute1
Good stuff! I love the one where they are laughing on their backs, that is priceless!
You are a rockstar AS ALWAYS.
we love sylvia!! gorgeous family syl!
How sweet!!! Way to rock it out, girl!
What a great looking fam!
Love these!! I love the one of the boyz lying on the ground laughing. So, so cute.
How sweet! Such cute little boys! 🙂