What is a Hoosier anyway?

Hey all my faithful blog readers (and those here for the first time!)
I am in the Hoosier State (aka Indiana) this weekend for Dana and Kyle’s awesome wedding. I have been freezing my butt off here in the Midwest! It has been in the 20’s most of the time I have been here. I actually had to go buy a scarf, gloves and a hat the day I got here!

I flew in to Indianapolis on Thursday night. I had some time to roam the city on Friday and was amazed by the big fluffy clouds in the sky! I just had to document them! This is the downtown Indy skyline:

Of course, I had to do a self portrait to prove I was there! 😉

I headed down to So. Indiana on Friday afternoon. I kept seeing how these cool trees framed the blue sky. I pulled off on a dirt road and grabbed a couple of shots!

I shot the wedding today and am seeing some old and new friends for the next two days! I fly home Monday afternoon!
Have a great week!XOXO, M