WPPI 2010 – Las Vegas Recap

I have so much blogging to catch up on! I am leaving for Washington DC on Wednesday and two days after I get back, Tim and I are going to Hawaii for Tami and Adam’s wedding! We can’t wait!

In the meantime, I wanted to post about the amazing and inspiring week I had in Las Vegas with 12,000 of my closest photographer friends (just kidding, I only know like half of them) 😛

I had some FANTASTIC roomies this time, 8 of them! Here is a shot of most of them, at a suite in the MGM:

Charise, Me, Monica, Allie, Mandi, Milisa, (not pictured: Jen and Marianne)

Mandi and me having a blast at the GoBee party! I also worked the GoBee booth this year…the bag is now a staple at any wedding Mandi and I shoot!

And a few shots from the tradeshow floor! The cute red-head on the right is one of my favorite photographers, Bobbi (of Bobbi+Mike)

And our tradition we started last year – Bed Jumping! We had a few newbies this time. I love this little collage Monica made up!

I know it all looks totally fun and games, but I promise it was a business trip!  I learned a lot, met some rad people and networked like a mad-woman! Oh and I also did two shoots while I was there!  Those two to be posted soon!

After WPPI, Cathy Crawley (from Australia) came to visit for a bit in San Diego.  On the way home from Vegas, we made a few photo stops!

And Cathy again at the Mission Inn in Riverside!  You’ll see more of Cathy soon too! We did a headshot shoot together at Balboa Park!

Whew! I cannot wait until next year!

xoxo, M